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Education leads to better communities

Does your community’s future matter to you?

(Do you believe it is possible to predict the future?)

The single most important predictor of a community’s future economic and social well-being is the quality of the education it provides its youngest members.  Every indicator of a community’s vitality, economic, social, crime, housing, and poverty, are directly related to the level of academic achievement of its children.

It should be obvious that higher levels of academic achievement in secondary school students produce more successful adults.  The opposite should also be obvious.  The greater the number of students who fail, the less promising that community’s future.  In America, the number of students failing to learn the basics of reading and mathematics is now at levels not seen in 20 to 30 years.

What does the future look like?

In 2022, 4th grade students’ reading level on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) regressed and was the lowest since 2000.  Eighth grade students’ reading level was the lowest since 1994.  Amazingly, 12th grade students’ reading level was the lowest since 1992, the first reading assessment year.

The decline of our students’ reading skills bleeds over into all their school activities.  If you are a poor reader, you are limited in your ability to successfully participate in most other academic courses.  We also see that interest in learning drops off substantially.  In 2022, we had our highest percentage yet of students missing school monthly.

Does education really matter?

The higher the educational failure rate, the fewer adults our community will have holding well paying jobs, owning homes, buying our stores’ merchandise, and participating in civic affairs.  The lower the educational success rate, the higher the community’s unemployment, poverty, and crime rates will be.

If you care for your community, you must get involved in how our children are educated. Not just our youngest children are depending on you.  Our entire community needs you to help create a brighter future for us all.

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