Address: PO Box 397, Lake City, SC, 29560
Phone: (404) 386-8509 Email:

STEM Workshops after-school coming soon!

The Educational Foundation of Lower Florence County is planning a series of STEM Workshops to be held after-school. The first workshops will be for students age 12-18. There will be leaders for each workshop but the goal is for students to learn by doing. Experimentation is the key. We are looking for students who are modern-day Thomas Alva Edisons. As he stated, “I have not failed 10,000 times—I’ve successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work.”

We will be partnering with local businesses and individuals who wish to share some of the lessons they have learned with the next generation. If you are someone with a skill in the areas of science, technology, engineering or mathematics, we invite you to contact us. You will not have to teach a course but would help us design STEM workshops that entertain, delight, and teach our students.

We are also looking for students who want to learn more about our STEM workshops and how they can participate. Many students have skills and knowledge they can show others. No lessons to prepare, just help a friend tackle a problem. And then go invent something yourself.

There will also be opportunities for you to learn new skills. We will be working with partners and with partner materials to learn exciting new skills. Courses under consideration now are: Learn to fly an airplane; learn how to repair computers and electronic gear; operating drones with cameras; and many other similar offerings.

Check out these possibilities:

NASA and

Civil Air Patrol

Let us know your interests. Send us a note to: